Join the youth leaders of ICAH's Reproductive Justice Action League on a march for equal access to abortion!
WHEN: Friday, August 18th @ 12-1pm
WHERE: Meet at ICAH, 719 South State Street #400
We will gather, march, and release message balloons--in a visual demonstration like no other--to pressure Governer Rauner to #SignHB40 into law. Use our hashtag #MajorityforHB40!
These are our bodies, our lives, and we deserve our government to trust us with our ability to make decisions about them. Illinois needs House Bill 40 (HB40).
More about HB40:
HB40 would allow every person, whether covered by private or government-funded health insurance, to have affordable and comprehensive healthcare, including abortion care. It would also protect abortion access if the federal government were to overturn Roe v. Wade. HB40 has already been passed by the Illinois Congress but Governor Rauner has not signed it into law.
Questions? Email
Can’t join our march?
Contact Rauner’s office to demand that he sign HB40: 312-814-2121
*Cover art by Reproductive Justice Action League youth leader, Sophia Perez.