ICAH’s Adult Accomplice Trainings are developed for youth workers, family members, and other healthcare, school, and family-serving professionals who are interested in increasing their sexuality education knowledge, improving their communication skills, and better supporting young people and their sexual health, rights, and identities.
We all have work to do! Join us in actively practicing adult accompliceship. An accompliceship model asks that the privileged group actively share their power and take on more risk than oppressed groups; it moves us from merely saying we are not transphobic, homophobic, racist, etc. to actively joining and participating in the movement. While learning medically accurate, age-appropriate , LGBTQQIA+-inclusive information, adults will gain tools to actively reduce the shame and stigma that young people face. The series is structured around the 7 National Sexuality Education Standards (NSES) and ICAH’s innovative and youth-driven approach.
Participants who complete all 10 Adult Accomplice Trainings will receive an ICAH Adult Accomplice Training Certificate.
Trainings are facilitated by ICAH's Education Specialist, Darien Wendell, and ICAH Board Chair, Aisha Chaudhri, unless otherwise noted. We also offer in-service professional development that can be tailored for your organization. Check out our professional development offerings by visiting our Adult Education page.
Last year we trained 191 adults through the Adult Accomplice training series and 552 through professional development sessions. That’s 743 adults! Over 93% of participants recommend the workshop.
What people have to say:
“The content is valuable and the information may lead to positive change in our world.”
“Should definitely be mandatory for anyone working with young people.”
“It’s inclusive and evolving—a very good refresher for everyone.”